Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Christopher Marlowe's "The Tragicall History of the Life and Death of Doctor Faustus" is a play written based on an ancient German folklore that revolves around a man called Faust. The play was published 11 years after Christopher Marlowe's death, in the year 1604 and 12 years after the first performance of the play.

The German folklore is a story about an ambitious man called Faust who exchanges his soul with the Devil for unlimited knowledge and worldly pleasures. This storyline has been the basis for many other literary, artistic, musical and cinematic works. The term 'deal with the devil' is now used as an idiom for the act of giving up one's moral integrity for power and success. The term is also used for people with unquenchable thirst for knowledge.

There is also another play based the same folklore, other than Marlowe's Dr. Faustus. The other play is by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, who is a German playwright and his play is called 'Faust'. The final version of his play, though published after his death, is a pride of German literature. 

File:Page 004 (Faust, 1925).png
The image is the depiction of Faust and the demon, Mephistopheles by Harry Clarke, the Irish artist.


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